Excel Series Module 6: Using data and knowing if and when to use macros

Excel Series Module 6: Using data and knowing if and when to use macros


In this module, you will learn the basics of how to work with structured data and how to combine data from different sources in order to generate comprehensive, efficient and automatic reports. You will learn how important Power Query is, not only for acquiring, preparing and manipulating data, but also for solving a range of Excel problems that might not seem obviously data-related.

Having learnt how to beat your data into the shape you need for reporting, you will see how to use PivotTables to move from data to a dashboard, driven by interactive slicers. You will see how macros and scripts can automate spreadsheet processes but that they need to be used with care.

To finish the entire set of course steps, you will learn some important techniques for dealing with common spreadsheet problems as well as helping to avoid them in the first place.

Learning outcomes

  • The importance of consistent data structure
  • How tables of data are related in a relational database and the power that that knowledge gives you
  • That Power Query might just be the most important feature in Excel since the cell
  • How to use Power Query to automate the transformation of raw data into the building blocks for your reports
  • How to summarise data with a PivotTable
  • How to use PivotTables to create interactive dashboards using Slicers
  • What macros and scripts can do and why to use them with care
  • How to solve and avoid common spreadsheet problems including the most common problem: “my formula isn’t calculating”
  • Cost: £30.00